Growing, Learning, Adventuring

Toddlers (18-24 months)

At this stage, children are in rapid development and exploration. Here at our school, we provide a nurturing and stimulating environment that caters to their specific needs. Our Toddler Program focuses on fostering their growth and independence through various activities and experiences. Our dedicated and trained teachers create a warm and supportive environment where toddlers can thrive and explore their world with confidence.
Verbal Acumen

Language Development

We encourage language development through daily interactions, storytime, singing, and engaging conversations with our experienced teachers.
Growth in Motion

Gross Motor Skills

We provide ample opportunities for toddlers to engage in physical activities that promote the development of gross motor skills, such as running, jumping, climbing, and playing with age-appropriate equipment.
Sensory Adventure

Sensory Play

We offer sensory-rich experiences to stimulate their senses and enhance their cognitive and motor skills. Activities involving sand, water, textures, and different materials allow toddlers to explore and learn through hands-on experiences.
Social Connections


Our program encourages social interaction and cooperation with peers through group play, sharing, taking turns, and engaging in simple collaborative activities.
Cognitive Enrichment

Cognitive Stimulation

We provide age-appropriate activities that promote cognitive development, such as shape sorting, stacking blocks, and simple problem-solving tasks, fostering their curiosity and cognitive abilities.
Delicate Dexterity

Fine Motor Skill

Toddlers are introduced to activities that enhance their fine motor skills, such as finger painting, stacking objects, using puzzles, and engaging in sensory play with small objects.